Sunday, August 14, 2005


I'm a smoker. I came to it late in the game, not actually starting to smoke on a regular basis until I was 25. Lately I've been thinking that maybe I shouldn't be smoking. I've always had a weak bronchial system - chest infections 2 or 3 times a year, that kind of thing. My breath has been getting shorter, I don't seem to be breathing in as deeply as a should. I'm not overly fond of coughing in the morning...

I don't know how this all came about, but last week my gay-friend-who-won't-date-me Jodie and I decided that, come Monday (tomorrow), we're not going to smoke at work. I went and bought the gum, just in case I get jumpy. Thursday and Friday I cut down to two cigarettes during the day (which didn't go *too* badly). Yesterday during the day, I had a couple of drags off my roomie's smoke. Today I've had 2 1/2 smokes so far.

I don't know if it'll stick, but I'll try.


Blogger Unknown said...

yay you! and jodie!! yay!!! ... my parents, who smoked a pack a day each, gave up cold turkey one day when i was 12 ... they were hell to live with for three days, but after that ... sweeeeeeeet ... hang in there :>

11:37 AM  
Blogger arcane said...

I don't smoke but I read a study recently that for women the best way to quit smoking is the patch and the pill at the same time. Something about hormones. Good luck to you.

4:07 PM  
Blogger Blue Blankie said...

Late Edition: Thank you for the encouragement... we're trying. If nothing else, so far I've cut down immensely. I've smoked two cigs today. Which beats the 8-18 I usually smoke *grin*.

arcane one: The patch *and* the pill?? Wow... I think I might end up nauseous from that. Good for you for not smoking - and DON'T ever start!!

10:30 PM  

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