Monday, May 07, 2007

Morons abound - Part II

Stupid, stupid people - Part II

I'm sure that you've heard of this guy. He's suing his dry cleaner because, he says, they lost a pair of pants.

Well and fine. I'm sure it was an expensive suit.

But he's suing for $65 MILLION dollars!!!

That suit had best have been made of solid gold with diamonds sewn all over it.

They dry cleaners say that they found his pants inside of a week. He said they weren't his pants.

Now he wants $15,000 -- the cost of renting a car every weekend for 10 years to go to another business because he doesn't want to use that dry cleaner anymore. The bulk of the money comes from a strict interpretation of the consumer protection law, which imposes fines of $1,500 per violation, per day. He counted 12 violations over 1,200 days, then multiplied that by three defendants for a total of over $64 million.

The kicker to this whole story? The guy suing IS A JUDGE!!!!

Are you kidding me?!?!? If I was the judge hearing this case, I'd throw it out, give $100,000 to the dry cleaners for him bringing a frivolous lawsuit, and make him stand outside of the courthouse with a sign that says "I'm an idiot"

Oh, and I'd can his ass, yank his lawyers license, and prevent him from working in the legal system in any capacity except as, maybe, a janitor in the courthouse.


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