Tuesday, May 01, 2007

One of those days...

You ever have one? The kind where, at the end, you just have to laugh because it's *overly* ridiculous?

I work afternoons - 2:00 to 10:30 - which means that I usually don't go to bed until 3AM or so. Last night I was reading so I didn't actually pass out until 4:30AM. Today, being the end of the month, I planned on getting up, going to the bank, transferring money around so the mortgage doesn't bounce and then head in to work.

9:00 AM the roomie comes and wakes me up - it's work. One of the day clerks is sick, can I come in to work early?


Yeah, ok. I'll come in to work early. Shit. *sigh*

Ok, well, I figure I can work with that. By the time I get ready for work, leave to catch the bus and the bus gets me to work, it'll be 10:30. I'll work until 7:30pm, hop the bus to home, stop off at the bank, switch the money, still home by 9pm or so. Not too bad.

I get to work and see the four *other* day clerks there. What the hell do they need me to be there for? They have FOUR clerks! I work by myself in the afternoon!
Well... whatever.

Of course... it's the end of the month. Which means this, that and the other thing HAS to, HAS to, ABSOLUTELY MUST!!!! be done today. So we're all working like crazy. Actually, I take that back. Myself, Pockets and Verbena are working like crazy. (I like Pockets and Verbena). BillyJean is, well, doing her job. (She's a very nice woman, but not overly great at her job.) DinaDumbass is trying to get other people to do her job. (I'm not, to use an understatement, overly fond of the Dumbass).

Anyway, we're all going like sixty trying to keep everything under control. Then the ObliviousBoss wanders in, thanks me for coming in early and says "So, you can leave at 9:30". I looked at her, smiled and said "Oh, so it'll only be an *11* hour day." She looked at me and said "Oh. Well, you could go earlier."

The problem with that being that from the time I leave, until 9:30 when the night clerk comes in... there *is* no clerk. And without a clerk, quite frankly, the supervisor for my shift is lost. So, obviously, I'm not going to leave him in the lurch. Besides which we still have stuff that HAS to, HAS to, ABSOLUTELY MUST be done today.

Ok, so I'll stay until 9:30pm when they night clerk comes in. Now I have another problem - when am I gonna get to the bank? I can't really go after I'm done at 9:30 cause, well, I don't much want to. When I leave I really just want to go home. So, I talk BillyJean into taking me to the bank and bringing me back to work. I clear it with my boss and off we go. A half hour later (my lunch) I'm back at my desk.

By 8pm I'm having a last smoke, figuring I'll work straight through until 9:30 and be home by 10pm. You can tell what's coming, can't you? By 9:15 the stuff that HAS to, HAS to, ABSOLUTELY MUST be done today isn't done. We're still looking for shipments, hoping to get them through the system before I go home. I look at the clock on my computer, look at my supervisor and say "Yeah, I'll stay until 10:30".


By 10pm we gave up. We'd done as much as we could do, pushed as hard as we could push and... oh well. It wasn't totally done. What're they gonna do? Fire me? They haven't even *hired* me yet! (I'm working on a contract).

So, I'm outta there, finally, at 10:30pm - 12 hours after I started. On 4 1/2 hours sleep. And 3 extra large cups of coffee.

So, I hop the bus at 10:40. Cool beans! In 20 minutes I'll be home! Just in time to watch Dancing With the Stars!

10 minutes later... the bus dies. No power, no lights, no forward motion at all.

At this point I just started to giggle. I mean... what else are you going to do? This is to the point of utter ridiculousness. So I giggled and laughed, apparently out loud cause I was getting some really weird looks from the other passengers. We waited around about 15 minutes for a replacement bus.

Finally got on the bus, finally got home, finally watched Dancing With the Stars (mostly to see Cheryl Burke who is *incredibly* hot).

And now... I think I'm going to watch an episode of Stargate, wind down, go to bed and PRAY that I don't get another 9am call.



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