Glasses of Justice
Anyone ever watch Law and Order: SVU? Back when Alexandra Cabot and not Lurch-the-legally-impaired was the DA?
You know those black glasses that Alex wore when she was working in her office? Or in court? I was always of the opinion that those glasses looked incredibly hot. Alright, that's not enough - they were HAWT!!
So anyway, my friend Jodie? You remember, the girl-who-won't-date-me, she needed to get glasses to make her working on the computer a little less eye-straining. And she picked - - you guessed it - Glasses of Justice.
And, I gotta say, she looks damn HAWT! A couple times the first day that she had 'em I had to physically restrain myself from jumping her. (Ok, not really, but it was a close thing.)
I made her let me take a picture (she absolutely hates having her picture taken) but she eventually gave in. I'm very persuasive *grin*.
You know those black glasses that Alex wore when she was working in her office? Or in court? I was always of the opinion that those glasses looked incredibly hot. Alright, that's not enough - they were HAWT!!
So anyway, my friend Jodie? You remember, the girl-who-won't-date-me, she needed to get glasses to make her working on the computer a little less eye-straining. And she picked -
And, I gotta say, she looks damn HAWT! A couple times the first day that she had 'em I had to physically restrain myself from jumping her. (Ok, not really, but it was a close thing.)
I made her let me take a picture (she absolutely hates having her picture taken) but she eventually gave in. I'm very persuasive *grin*.
Just was blog hopping and came across your blog. Its real nice. I'll try to check you out more often.
i've seen the pic ... she is HAWT!!
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