Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Blame the woman... again....

So it's Elizabeth Edwards fault.

It's ALL her fault. She should have told the world IMMEDIATELY that her husband cheated on her.

Edward's wife blasted for keeping affair secret

Nevermind all the bloggers and newspapers that evidently knew about it.

Nevermind that, gee, you *might* not want to blast to the universe the fact that your husband cheated on you.

Nevermind that you might not want your children to know the most intimate details of your relationship with your husband.

Nevermind that this is a deeply personal issue that you have to wrestle with WHILE DEALING WITH THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE INCURABLE CANCER.

No... Elizabeth Edwards should have informed the world immediately that her husband cheated. Because the Democratic Party said so.

You can't tell me that nobody in the party knew about it. If they knew about it how come *they* didn't spill the beans if it was so all-fired important that everyone know?

For god's sake this is such a personal issue - no one has the right to tell you how to react to this situation. There's so many circumstances to be considered from children, to health, to, yes, your social life. It's entirely up to her when, how and IF she ever disclosed it.

Besides which - he's the cheater. If anyone deserves to be raked over the coals and roasted over a spit it's him.

Put the blame where it belongs.


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