Sunday, December 25, 2005

It's oooooooooover

Chirstmas of 2005 is over.

It was long... it was exhausting. But it was kinda fun.

I did end up puking my guts out on Christmas Eve eve, so I didn't go home to my mother. My sister called at quarter to 8 AM on Christmas Eve and I had to break it to her, and my nieces, that I wasn't going to make it home. Fortunately my sister had a really bad flu about 3 weeks ago, so she totally understood. My nieces, however, were not impressed. It's been a tradition for the last few years that I spend Christmas Eve with them and wake up with them on Christmas Day. They'll forgive me eventually, though *big grin*.

I slept for a long time Christmas Eve... and then our first guest arrived around 5:30pm. She's a great woman... she'd do anything for you... but she's lived all her adult life by herself and she likes things a very specific way and she takes a lot of energy from me. Then my roomie's ex-husband came. What a prize *THAT* was! He came, parked his ass in the recliner and stayed there for the night. If he said 10 words, I'd be surprised. I mean, the man is never my favourite at the best of times *coughunderstatementcough*, but usually he's at least polite enough to answer questions and hold a decent conversation. Not this time. He was "feeling sick" and "so tired". Well so was I, but I managed to at least smile and talk to people from my position sprawled out on the couch.

Got up at 9:30 this morning and breakfast was well on it's way to being completed. FirstGuest was up early and recruited the kids to help her make breakfast. I was thrilled cause that was one more thing I didn't have to worry about *grin*. Ex-husband was a jerk during present opening, although a very, very marginal bit better than the night before.

This afternoon we all had naps, had dinner, chit-chatted, made rude jokes ('cause it's funny *grin*) and I tried, as much as possible, to ignore the ex-husband. Thanks be, he's now gone. And so is first guest. I can now actually relax with my family... so, we're watching "The Family Guy". Not Christmasy, but funny *grin*

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas or holiday season or a couple of days off. And all of the best in the New Year.


Blogger Unknown said...

are you ever going to blog again, blankie? :>

10:22 PM  

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