Wednesday, July 13, 2005

In the world...

I confess, I'm a news junkie. I check 4 or 5 different news sites or online newspapers a day. I feel incredibly disconnected from the world if I don't get to check them every day.

This week has been incredibly full: the bombing in London, the Karl Rove scandal, the shuttle re-launch, the missing Idaho girl who was found although her brother wasn't, Hurricane Dennis, Sandra Day O'Connor retiring, and Chief Justice Renquist now in the hospital...

Speaking of hospitals!! ohmigod! Did you hear that Brad Pitt is in the hospital? ohmigod, like, I hope he's ok!! They say it's just, like, you know, the flu, but whatever! He was just in Africa with Angelina picking up their new baby, although they say it's not "their" baby because they're just good friends and all, but still, why would he go all the way to Africa to help her get her baby, I mean, she probably has other friends to help her do that, right, and they're "just friends" afterall. And I wonder what Jennifer thinks about all this! I did hear that *she* collapsed on the set of *her* new movie apparently because she was overcome by all the stories about Brangelina, although they said it was heat stroke, but you know you can't believe anything they say!

And then there's Tom and Katie who... oh forget it. There's just nothing to say about those two. I don't believe it for a minute. Tom is getting loopier by the minute, though. His publicist should tell him to just keep his mouth shut and quit jumping on the furniture.

The point of all this? I'm not sure really. Perhaps it's just that real news, news that can actually affect your life, the life of your family and the well-being of your country so often gets buried by the useless minutae of "celebrities", *their* lives and who *they're* dating. Really, who cares??

I will, however, be buying my "People" magazine this week...


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