Monday, May 08, 2006

The Purpose of Life

I don't know what it is. I really don't. I believe in reincarnation, so I suppose that the purpose of each life is to learn. Something spiritual, something to make your soul grow. And if you don't learn the lesson you're supposed to, then you have to repeat it until you get it right.

I've heard a theory that each time you die, you go to a "waiting room", hang out for a while, and then decide what you want to learn in your next life. Then you decide what time period you want to live that life (because our lives don't necessarily run consecutively). Then there's 3 choices - health, wealth, and family. You are allowed to pick 2 of the three but the last is left up to chance. If you pick your health and your family then your wealth is left up to fate.

I like this theory. I like the idea that the people that we know and love in this life will be there in the next. It's *my* theory that that's what the "click" is. The "click", in case I haven't mentioned it before, is that feeling when, on meeting someone for the first time, you feel that you *have* to know them. You *have* to know what they're thinking or feeling. The feeling that your personalities just "click". Those are the people that I think have been with us in lives past and we're meeting them again for the first time.

I was with the roomie at the hospital about 3 weeks ago since she had to get her boobs squished. I went with her on the Paratransit bus, we chatted to the bus driver, wandered around, got lost, got coffee and then, after her appointment was done, we waited for the Paratransit to come and take her home (I was going in to work).

As we were sitting there, the roomie was chatting to another woman, comparing difficulties in moving, getting advice about walkers and vans and kitchen chores and all kinds of other things. And I thought, "You know... I think this is my purpose. If I never have another girlfriend, if I never fall in love again, this has been my purpose in this life - to care for my best friend so that she can spread her love and personality and "sunshine" to as many people as she can reach. And to raise her son to be a good man so that he can spread his mother's message of love and strength to the next generation and beyond."

And you know... I think that just might be enough.


Blogger Udge said...

Nice. Perhaps it is enough to have been a good friend.

I find myself in the odd position of believing both that reincarnation is bunk, and that the "click" is the result of meeting somebody whom we previously knew.

3:34 PM  

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