Sunday, October 16, 2005

Weekend update

My mom called me on Tuesday and asked what I was doing this weekend. I said not much, so she said that she was gonna come up and visit if that was ok with me and when would be best. (Mom, and the rest of my family, live 2 hours away from me.)

It's my mom so I said "Whenever you wanna come". We decided around noonish Saturday and I spent the next 3 days cleaning up my house and setting up a guest room for Mommy to sleep in.

She came Saturday, we visited for a few hours then decided to go shopping. (I needed a furnace filter cause, evidently, I didn't have one). We're wandering around the hardware store, looking for filters, when I spot a sign - $39.99.

"Mom! Mom! Where are you? Mom, c'mere and look! Does that say what I think it does??"

It was a table saw - regular 99.99 on sale for 39.99. I've been wanting a table saw for a long time because I really want to get into woodworking. Mom grinned at me, I grinned at her and she said "Go get a cart."

I'm doing quick math in my head. I have $55 on me and $70 in the bank. I get paid on Friday, but there's no way I can pass up this deal. I mean, it's 60% off!!

I grab a cart, load in the saw and off we go to find filters. We also picked up some tea towels and some Comet and some lightbulbs. We get to the check out and before I can get organized, Mom has her cash out. I say "We'll stop at the bank on our way home." She says "Consider that your birthday present."

In the middle of the store, I hug and kiss my mommy and start a little jig. "I have a saw! I have a saw! Lookit me, I have a saw!"


My mom laughs at me (mostly because I dance like a goof *grin*)

Then we went to the book store and I picked up 4 books on sale, came home, hauled my saw into the house and started a new dance in front of my roommate. She laughed at me too.

Today, my mom cleaned my house. She said that once a day she's up at my sister's and throws a load of laundry in, folds one, does some dishes, that kind of thing. She was happy to get a chance to do the same for my house.

For four hours we dusted, washed knick knacks, washed lighting fixtures, vaccuumed, cleaned the basement, picked up garbage, sorted out recycling, cleaned out the furnace, cut up and froze green peppers, sprayed "Orange Clean" stuff everywhere. *grin*. And then hauled a couple of mattresses down from upstairs for garbage day tomorrow.

And then she left for home.

I adore my mother. When I grow up, she's the woman I want to be.

(I have a saw! I have a saw! I have a saw!!)


Blogger Unknown said...

you are insane ... you know that, right?

7:13 AM  
Blogger Blue Blankie said...

yes... unfortunately, I do know that I'm insane.

But I like the colour of the clouds in my world *grin*

8:11 PM  

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