Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lesbian activist dies

Del Martin passed away today.

I'm in awe of these women and their intelligence and their bravery. And I'm so glad that they were able to end their lives together as a married couple. 55 years together. It's amazing.

"Del Martin identified her own legacy in 1984 when she said that her most important contribution was "being able to help make changes in the way lesbians and gay men view themselves and how the larger society views lesbians and gay men."

An amazing legacy it is...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Blame the woman... again....

So it's Elizabeth Edwards fault.

It's ALL her fault. She should have told the world IMMEDIATELY that her husband cheated on her.

Edward's wife blasted for keeping affair secret

Nevermind all the bloggers and newspapers that evidently knew about it.

Nevermind that, gee, you *might* not want to blast to the universe the fact that your husband cheated on you.

Nevermind that you might not want your children to know the most intimate details of your relationship with your husband.

Nevermind that this is a deeply personal issue that you have to wrestle with WHILE DEALING WITH THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE INCURABLE CANCER.

No... Elizabeth Edwards should have informed the world immediately that her husband cheated. Because the Democratic Party said so.

You can't tell me that nobody in the party knew about it. If they knew about it how come *they* didn't spill the beans if it was so all-fired important that everyone know?

For god's sake this is such a personal issue - no one has the right to tell you how to react to this situation. There's so many circumstances to be considered from children, to health, to, yes, your social life. It's entirely up to her when, how and IF she ever disclosed it.

Besides which - he's the cheater. If anyone deserves to be raked over the coals and roasted over a spit it's him.

Put the blame where it belongs.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Goodbye my puppy....

Friday, August 8 at 4pm we put my puppy to sleep.

Well, she wasn't really a puppy anymore... she was 13. A Border Collie/Husky/Bernese Mountain dog mix.

I remember the first time we saw her. We were at a farmer's market and there was this guy there with a couple box of puppies. Bernie was the big round ball of black and white fur. My roommate picked her up, started petting her, and the dog snuggled down and fell asleep in her arms. Her big green eyes looked at me, the boy's big blue eyes looked at me.... and I knew we were taking the dog home.

We bought a leash, put the puppy in the car... and she puked all the way home *grin*. Took us weeks of ever lengthening car rides before she wouldn't get car sick.

We've known for a while that we were going to have to put her down. She had arthritis, her hearing was going, she had a tumor in her tummy that just kept getting bigger. But... we couldn't. Until this past week. Wednesday we decided... and made the appointment for Friday.

I don't want to talk about it overly much... I think that's why it's taken me so long to write about it.

On the bright side - if that can be said - a friend from work ended up being the one to take the roomie and the dog to the appointment because other plans fell through at the very last minute. Without hesitation, this friend said that she'd do it - despite never actually having met the roomie or the dog before. She sat with the roomie and cried with her... and then brought her out to me at work so we could connect.

All in all... a rough week. Getting used to *not* having her around after 13 years... it's taken some adjustment. I haven't even vaccuumed all the hairy spots.

But I will.