Sunday, August 27, 2006

Talking to Americans

Now... we love our neighbours to the south. They're our biggest trading partner and they've given us wonderful things like Disney World and Paris Hilton.

But when it comes to knowing anything about *us*? They're not the brightest bulbs on the tree. *grin*

Here's an episode of "Talking to Americans"... if you like it, jump on to youtube and punch that into the search and you'll see lots more.

BTW, Bouchard is a politician, as is Gilles Duceppe. Saskatchewan is a Canadian province. "tete du merde" means "shithead" *grin*.

Husband Daycare

I think it should be done!

Waiting for a boy

Today I'm waiting for a boy.

No, not that way *grin*.

One of the boy's friends from the time he was little is coming to live with us while he goes to college. At least, he's going to live with us for a couple of months until he decides whether or not he likes living here *grin*. Maybe he'll get his own place after that... maybe he'll stay with us.

His mother called a couple of weeks ago and asked if we'd put him up. Then she called today and said "He didn't call you, did he? He's on a plane as we speak."

So I've spent most of the afternoon cleaning the upstairs bathroom and putting his room together.

We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I'm Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelting!

Ok, I don't hate summer. I prefer the fall or winter, but summer's not too bad. Until this past week.

We've had about a week of 90 degree temperatures - or at least it feels like 90. Or 100. I'm not too good with the conversion from Celcius to Farenheit.

We don't have central air in our house. We haven't even put in a window air-conditioner for the last few summers because it hasn't really seemed necessary. It was never hot enough, for long enough, to make the effort worthwhile. The fans we have around the house seemed to be good enough to keep us cool.

Until this past week.

This has been BRUTAL! I haven't been too bad off because I "get" to go to work where it's almost cold enough to require a sweater. And I have a fan at night that blows right on me and keeps me cool enough to allow me to sleep. But the roomie and the boy have really suffered the last couple of days. The air is thick enough to swim through and it's not moving at all.

Today I went and bought two more fans at Wal-Mart - little ones, but they are definitely moving things around. I swear it's gone down 10 degrees in here in the hour since we turned them on.

Right now, I'm living for Thursday when a thunderstorm should get things down to a "comfortable" 80 degrees...