Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Karla Homolka

She's due to be released from prison any day now. 12 years for killing two little girls - three when you count her little sister.

Her sister would be 30 years old now - she was 15 when she died Christmas Eve 1990.
Leslie Mahaffey would be 28 - she was 14 when she died in June 1991.
Kristen French would also be 28 - she was 15 when she died in April 1992

I think about those girls - what they'd be doing now. They could be married, with kids. Their parents would be dandling grandbabies on their knees. They could be a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, a social worker, a psychiatrist.

Instead their parents have a grave stone to visit and the knowledge that their baby girl's last hours, last days, were filled with fear and pain and torture and terror, filmed for those two to be able to *relive* their terror over and over again.

And now... NOW Karla is getting out of prison. And WHINING about the fact that "the media might bug me." Noooooo... ya THINK? You, and your husband killed 3 teenage girls, raped at least one more (and, by emerging rumours, several more young girls that they *didn't* film and so nobody knew about it) and you're upset that people might try and talk to you about why you did these horrendous things?

It's a horrid thing to say, but, I rather hope that there were other girls who were raped. In which case they could arrest and prosecute her for THOSE rapes, declare her a dangerous offender, lock her up and throw away the key.

Gay Marriage in Canada

Canada passed Same Sex Marriage legislation last night, despite a lot of intolerant rhetoric from the right.

I was talking to a friend - she said she never, in her wildest dreams, thought that she would see this in her lifetime. I don't have the history with the gay movement that she does - I didn't even know that Monday was the anniversary of the Stonewall riots.

Whatever reason the MPs are voting for this bill - contituent pressure, personal belief, not wanting it to be an issue in the next election , I don't care. They passed it.

I'm so proud of my country. Anyone who wants to come on over, I think we have lots of room.

And we won't even make you say "eh".

Toronto Pride

I went to Pride weekend in Toronto with a friend. It was wonderful and amazing.

It was also stunningly HOT!! Holy mackerel! That was crazy!

We watched the Dyke March and the Pride Parade; we went dancing outside; we went clubbing; we drank.

We played with our friends and stranger-friends - those people that you meet at Pride, just for the weekend, and hang out and make each other laugh and discuss how hot you are. *grin*

We stood in line to get into the GayManBar and started talking to the gay man in front of us. He wasn't with anyone, so obviously he was going to be looking for a date inside *grin*. He told us he was "42 - which is 150 in gay years". We told each other Helen Keller jokes, blonde jokes, I think there might have been a dead baby joke. There were people cutting across the line in front of us and behind us. We decided that they were crossing at the "hottest" part of the line - just so they could be near us. When my friend went to get a hotdog and people *still* cut in front of us AncientGayMan and I decided that WE were the hot ones. Delusion is a wonderful thing, my friends.

Inside the GayManBar, we met a sweet Taiwanese boy who very helpfully showed us where the lesbian bar was across the street. Then we very politely thanked him and went back to dancing where the music was better *grin*.

We drank beer and Red Bull and Vodka. Then we met up with our GayBoysForTheNight - a pair of best friends. We talked with them, laughed with them, smoked and drank with them and we danced. We danced a lot. And, might I say, they were good dancers.

The one icky part of the night was when my friend got pulled on to the dance floor by the one straight guy in the bar. I lost sight of her, but she had about 1 more minute before I went in search of her. Me and the GayBoysForTheNight were up out of our chairs to go get her. Fortunately for Straight?WhiteGuy, she showed back up at the table. Apparently he was extremely obnoxious and determined to "convert" her by the end of the night. She dealt with it, but I saw him a couple of times after that and gave him an evil glare. I mean, geeze guy! You're in a GAY bar!! Chances are good that most of the people there are going to be GAY! Ya think?

We slept little; we drank much; we got burnt; we got tired; we walked a lot; we got sore muscles.

But I had one of the best times of my life.

Leaving the nest

The boy (Junior) has decided that, at 18 1/2, he's more than capable of living on his own. He informed us of this a couple of weeks ago.

He's thrilled, his mother is devastated. She doesn't want him to go. He's too young, he'll never survive out there on his own without us! What will he eat?!? Will he get up for work on his own? Who will wash his clothes!!

Me? I'm of mixed thrillage - on the one hand, I'm going to miss him like crazy. He's smart and funny and I just enjoy spending time with him and making him laugh. On the other hand, I left home at 18 to go to school and I survived just fine. I didn't starve and, occassionally, I actually did laundry. On the other hand (yes, I know I'm up to three) the house is going to be blessedly quiet without him and all his friends tramping through the house, running up and down stairs, and their great booming man laughs. You have no idea how loud it is when 6 or 7 18-, 19- and 20-year-olds start laughing at the same thing. It's a loud sound, but very low, rather like thunder. On the other hand.... it's going to be very quiet.

I keep trying to tell his mother that we've done our job - we've given him roots and wings and now he's trying out the wings. I think I could have dealt with him being a nestling for a little longer.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

For Crimony's sake!

Let the woman die already!

Gov. Bush of Florida evidently has nothing better to worry about like, oh, I dunno, children missing from the state foster care system? Oh hells no! He's got to worry about a "time gap" that *may* have occurred 15 years ago that sent Terri Schiavo into a coma.

The woman is DEAD! According to the autopsy her brain was half the size that a woman her age should have. The visual centers of her brain were destroyed. She couldn't see, she couldn't eat. She couldn't remember, process information, have any meaningful contact with anyone in her life.

But now, instead of letting the woman rest in peace; letting the husband that fought for her finally get on with HIS life; letting her parents get on with THEIR lives (as best they can), he's got to open a whole other can of words in a 15 year old "case" for a woman who's now DEAD! What're they going to do? Charge the husband with murder?! for a 40 minute time gap that probably didn't happen in the first place.

The Bushes - all of 'em - are screwed in the head.

Tom and Katie

They met in April and now, apparently, are engaged. He proposed at the top of the Eiffel Tower and she's been flashing a huge ring. And she's going to study Scientology. Awwwwwwww... isn't that romantic?

It's not the age difference I mind... 42 to 26, that's been going on forever and she's old enough to know what she's doing. It's that I just can't believe that in 2 months you can meet someone and fall in love enough to know that you want to spend the rest of your life (HA!) with them.

Not to mention the fact that there have been reports that he met with Jessica Alba AND Jennifer Garner to discuss "a project" only to spend the whole time talking about marriage and family and his kids and "love". Gotta be nice to have enough money and clout that you can run your own personal dating service.

Count me as one who doesn't believe this relationship. I bet that, *if* they marry the marriage will last 10 years minus one day. That's probably how long the contract is for.

Friday, June 17, 2005

They're All Gonna Laugh at You!

So... bad, bad movie lover that I am, I've never seen "Carrie" through from beginning to end. I'm not a big Stephen King fan to begin with. I think I've read... 2? of his stories all the way through. I did read a bunch of short stories and they were ok.

But the roomie is a Stephen King freak. She's read everything that he's ever written and seen every theatrical movie and TV movie ever made of his stuff. As a result, I'm trying to get all of his stuff on DVD for her - hence "Carrie". Sissy Spacek, Amy Irving, William Katt, Nancy Allen, even John Travolta and Edie McClurg *grin*.

But the absolute best HAS to be Piper Laurie. Not only is the woman gorgeous, but that voice! and the Talent-with-a-capital-T. You have to be on your toes to go up against this woman and not get blown off the screen. You can *see* her flood with power and... presence...

If you haven't seen it lately, I would suggest watching it again.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Can you kill teenagers?

Cause, you know, being the co-parent of a teenager, what you really want is a phone call at 12:30 on a Sunday from your city police following up on a missing persons case where your son is the last one known to have seen them...

It's really not that bad. A pair of teenage girls didn't call their mothers last night (and they didn't go home). The mother of one of them had called here first looking for my kid, so I called him and said "Tell her to call her mother." She didn't. Then mom, for some unknown and totally whacked out reason, called the cops. And she couldn't have waited that long because the cops called here within, oh, an hour of mom calling here the first time.

I mean, ok. I understand being freaked about not knowing where your daughter is. For some reason, it *is* different raising girls than boys. Probably mostly because the girl is the one stuck with the baby if worse should come to worst.

Not that I'm saying that that's what happened. From what I can gather, there was some necking but no actual sex going on. (BTW, the boys are both 18, the girls both 17). But even if you *thought* that's what was going on... why call the cops?!? I mean, seriously! Wait 'til she gets home and then ream her a new one and ground her until she's 30, but calling the cops? Cause the cops did call my son's friend's house. He told them exactly where they were (sleeping on the couch). They hadn't been drinking. There was no drugs involved. He told them the address and the cops came and picked them up.

I understand being pissed at your kid... but having them arrive home, in a cop car, for all the world to see, because they didn't call home and tell mom where they were??

Gimme a break.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Witness and The Stepford Wives

I love the movie "Witness". I love the longing looks between Harrison Ford and Kelly McGillis. I love that little boy. I love the sense of family and caring within the Amish community.

However... Harrison Ford has to be the worst kisser, at least on-screen, of anyone that I've ever seen. It's just... ewwwwwwwwww.... He looks like he's chewing off half her face!

Then I watched Dante's Peak. Pierce Brosnan and Linda Hamilton! Volcanoes! Things blowing up! Helicopter crashes! Linda Hamilton! Did I say her already? Good mindless fun.

Oh! Stepford Wives I watched, too... nummy Nicole Kidman, Faith Hill, Glenn Close, the Divine Miss M! I liked it... quite enjoyed it actually. They were all so over the top, it was hysterical. *g*

Saturday Night and I Ain't Got Nobody....

The last two weekends I've spent over at a friend's house, so I thought it might be prudent to stick around home this weekend and get some chores done.

And so far today I have accomplished... sitting on my ass and watching movies. Oh, I take that back. I did manage to brush the dog, taking off of her what would amount to another dog in excess fur. She's a border collie/husky mix so she grows this really fine down in the winter to keep her warm. Now is the time when it all comes off. I mean, literally, she sits on the living room floor and scratches and the fur just starts flying. I vaccuum every day and you'd never be able to tell.

And I did manage to get the lawn and the gardens watered. We haven't had rain in a long time, at least not enough to matter, so it took forever. The ground took the water and slurped it up and begged for more. I think I'll have to do it again tomorrow.

And maybe another few things that were on my list that I didn't get around to. Perhaps. I might go out for ice cream.

Friday, June 10, 2005

And so it begins...

Alrighty... so here we go. A friend suggested that rather than pestering just her with my random but oh-so-funny-ramblings that I should annoy a bunch of people.

She also tells me that I'm far too self-deprecating... don't know why. Can you be too self-deprecating? Isn't that kind of understood? Self-deprecating, I think, is an either/or proposition. Unless it's situational. Situational self-deprecation. I'm a situational self-deprecator.

I haven't yet worked out what kind of blog its going to be... but I guess we'll grow up as we go... kinda like life.